The negative impacts of physical punishments destroy trust, shatter self-esteem, and steal the joy of learning.
Tell me?
Would you “Lay Down to be Caned”……under any circumstances, at any age?
No? Me Neither!

And neither did my long-term student who refused to be disciplined this way. But it cost him his placement in the Pre-Advanced Secondary School appointed through the Government placement process.
Yes, he was suspended. Suspended for exercising his right!
Let it be clear, corporal punishment is “child Abuse”. It breaks every code of humanity and leaves a scar on impressionable lives forever. It is a brutal, widespread practice which I. nor any of my Tanzanian partners condone.
The negative impacts of physical punishments destroy trust, shatter self-esteem, and steal the joy of learning.
Despite a government mandate in 2002 banning caning in Tanzanian Schools, with the exception of Principals, teachers today still continue this demoralising practice, under the watchful eye of many humanitarian organisations and in country NGO’s.
Even in recent years, child deaths have been reported as a direct consequence of caning.
Of course I am disappointed my student was suspended, but beyond proud of his courage to challenge a system potentially in place to reinforce fair and just practices and bring hope through Education. Hope for a better, brighter and more independent future.
We have been able to secure a study placement for my student, locally and in a caring environment. A proud moment, but a costly one!
Since this distressing incident, I am more determined than ever to guide my students to understand their rights, strengthen their determination and take control of their own destiny.
I will continue to mentor my volunteer teachers to use compassion, value the young adults in their trust, and teach them that no amount of caning will help a child learn.
Raise your Voice!
You too can raise your voice against corporal punishment in Tanzanian schools by helping me influence classroom practice there.
My mission continues to be about bringing positive change, good always triumphs over evil, and proving children will thrive in an encouraging environment.
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Cherie Smirl