Paying qualified local teachers to work within the Tanzanian education system.
OneLoveTanzania.com pays qualified local teachers to work within the Tanzanian education system where the potential exists to influence outdated teaching practices and impact children’s lives through positive, meaningful actions.
Investing in Education
Volunteer Teachers
Our volunteer teachers reinforce positive values, encourage participation and recognise children’s individuality in a work area where overcrowded, under resourced classrooms negatively impact education outcomes.
The classroom remains critical in influencing how children approach adulthood and take their place in society.
Our volunteer teachers identify and acknowledge the strengths of all children, not just those who perform well academically.
Investing in Education
Reinforcing Positivity in the Classroom
Our sponsored teachers openly praise and applaud their students for good performance, both academically and socially.
Presentation of reward bundles of basic school needs has been welcomed by the schools we work in, bringing a true sense of worth to many struggling children and contribute financially to the education of these children from families living in areas of abject poverty.
Investing in Education
Making Learning Real...
Building teacher/student rapport is a fledgling concept in Tanzania, but a concept gaining favour with both teachers and students.
Our volunteer teachers work to break the rigid, supressed classroom structures which have burdened an education system with a history of low retention rates.
Our teachers work to make learning real, to bring hands on experiences to the classroom, and to create an environment every student feels safe in and their contribution is recognised and valued.
Help with Teacher Sponsorship
OneLoveTanzania.com needs help to pay for more qualified local teachers to work within the Tanzanian education system where the potential exists to influence outdated teaching practices and impact children’s lives through positive, meaningful actions.
Collaboration to bring sustainable life opportunities in Tanzania builds on every positive gesture carried out and creates a wave of hope so desperately needed there.
OneLoveTanzania.com is privileged to be part of an active network on the ground in Tanzania invested in addressing issues which plague the productivity and growth of this diversely resourced country.
Our aim is not to change age old beliefs, but to influence the outcomes of those beliefs.