How Your 'Donation Voucher' Can Educate and Transform the Lives of Children in Tanzania!

In Tanzania, an outdated and under-resourced education system holds back potential, with overcrowded classrooms and intergenerational poverty shaping outcomes.
Girls are still discouraged from reaching their full potential, and education success is measured only by academic results, neglecting personal development.
High unemployment, prostitution, and unplanned pregnancies leave many children abandoned, often to the care of a poorly educated generation unable to support them.
OneLoveTanzania believes every child deserves quality education.
For over 13 years and 18 visits, we've dedicated ourselves to creating positive pathways for our sponsored children, nurturing, mentoring, and guiding them to rebuild trust and foster self-belief.
Our programs focus on empowering children and creating lasting change.
Fundraising is essential, and we emphasize ethical practices like environmental sustainability, recycling, and supporting fair trade and local artisans.
Yet, urgent financial support is needed to continue impacting lives positively.
Donation Vouchers Now Online
In identifying our 6 core areas of development for Tanzanian kids, and establishing Donation Vouchers on line dedicated to those core areas, you can now choose the area which best fits your passion to help.
Vouchers range in value and impact. They are a secure online pathway, direct to our bank account where your purchase will be identified by a voucher purchase code.
A receipt will be issued for tax deductibility purpose, and I will personally follow up with thanks and a personal account of the outcome of your generosity.

Bring Hope Through Education $500
Investing in our Education Voucher, ensures the continuation of advanced studies for dedicated students already excelling in superior education programs and creates opportunities for many others to benefit from our programs.
By encouraging our students into non-government, English Medium Schools, and supporting boarding on site, when necessary, our students gain positive life skills, as they prepare to embrace Tertiary studies.
Uniforms, Materials, Accommodation Needs and Personal Items are all included in this life changing initiative.

Help Enhance Local Volunteer Teachers $450
Our programs support local teacher graduates already volunteering in schools, demonstrating positivity, care and skill-based learning.
Overlooked for paid employment in lieu teachers trained in outdated, out of touch methods, these young teachers are enthusiastic, compassionate and value the students in their care.
In return, we encourage their services to tutor vulnerable children desperately in need of one-on-one support in abjectly poor regions of Moshi, Kilimanjaro.
Your investment validates their work with a small stipend and enhances their classroom practice through training workshops and ongoing professional mentoring.

Creative Workshops for Kids $250
Help restore hope in the lives of children impacted by violence, abuse, and poverty by sponsoring a hands-on workshop hosted by inspiring young artists, chefs, or trades people. Kids even get to take home their own handiwork memento of their experience.
Sponsorship covers transport, host artist fee, materials, and refreshments for children living in care with little or no social engagement.
Sharing an afternoon excursion of self-expression, nutritious snacks and fun is such a huge treat for these kids which we are proud to offer with your support.

Vocational Training Voucher $150
By supporting a young trades person, your investment demonstrates encouragement in a poorly regulated learning area in Tanzania.
Sponsorship funds can provide a small allowance for lunches, transport and on the job expenses. Safety and work attire may be required, and as students progress, acquiring their own tools can bring advanced work benefits and ultimately, independence.
Often, when a student agrees to “learn on the job”, the overseeing tradesperson views his imparting of skills as payment enough to the student, and as the student’s competence increases, the tradesperson often retains income for work carried out by the vocational student.
These are the students we commit our care to.

Youth Engagement Voucher $100
Including life experiences in our programs is truly life changing to our teenagers and young adults. Engagement in sporting activities, networking and leadership events, and youth social events are just some of the opportunities you can bring to our future leaders by supporting youth engagement.
Sponsorship of our inclusive youth engagement experiences reinforces to our students they are worthy and valued in our community.

Entrepreneurial Voucher $300
Investing in a young business entrepreneur and giving them the opportunity to make their small business vision a reality is our most inspirational program. Your micro finance support can change lives forever by funding a viable, worthwhile enterprise out of the reach of talented young business graduates.
Further training, personal development and even technology training can be offered through this sponsorship. We will always confer with the investor before dedicating funds under this sponsorship and continue to monitor progress of each business entrepreneur.
Giving is the new Receiving.
Today’s new “Feels” of empowerment, liberation, happiness, fulfillment.
Giving to others in need, not only changes others' lives, but it also brings a wave of heartwarming personal satisfaction to the giver.
Making Giving Easier
It couldn’t be easier today to give to our sustainable projects in Tanzania.
Projects with proven positive outcomes where every day we are seeing stand out changes in attitude, approach and ultimately, better futures for kids in a country where kids have long been the forgotten generation.
We encourage you to consider these development vouchers as a way you can help me to transform the lives of children in Tanzania.
Our website has a secure online purchase gateway (Square Payments) which directs the funds to our bank account - not absorbed into administration costs. You will be issued with a receipt for tax deductibility purposes and provided with a copy of the voucher for your records.
I am personally grateful for your support and look forward to working with you, showing you how your funds have been used to change children's lives.
If you have any questions, please call me direct on +61 407 668623
Cherie Smirl